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Interactive Plots for QAQC

How to use the interactive plot: Hover over interactive plot for the tools panel to appear in top-right corner. Tools include: save plot, zoom, select (lasso or box), and data compare. Hover your cursor over a point for more information. You can also double click on an item in the legend to isolate that data series in the plot!

ISCO Deployments

Tank Samples

Summary Tables

All Data

All Data from ISCO and Tank Experiments. chla_ugl and chla_rfu are from extracted chlorophyll a samples
parameter n mean sd median trimmed mad min max range skew kurtosis se
chla_ugl 21 13.960000 5.8641120 12.87 13.782353 1.452948 1.73 31.43 29.70 0.7574800 2.1561643 1.2796542
chla_rfu 0 NaN NA NA NaN NA Inf -Inf -Inf NA NA NA
fdom_qsu 21 79.455626 20.1682176 75.36 79.792243 24.922506 42.85 113.24 70.39 -0.0168384 -1.1805714 4.4010659
sal 21 11.016187 3.1690303 10.22 10.859996 4.003020 7.28 16.68 9.40 0.2308129 -1.6300955 0.6915391
turb 21 12.205943 6.2921684 12.29 11.547341 7.353696 5.16 24.89 19.73 0.5595238 -0.9311969 1.3730637
p_h 21 7.517921 0.2852485 7.61 7.516255 0.429954 7.09 7.95 0.86 0.0606765 -1.6380194 0.0622463
chlorophyll_rfu 21 2.634260 0.4915658 2.66 2.647647 0.370650 1.63 3.99 2.36 0.2473446 1.3705293 0.1072684

ISCO Data Only

Only data from ISCO Experiments. chla_ugl and chla_rfu are from extracted chlorophyll a samples
parameter n mean sd median trimmed mad min max range skew kurtosis se
chla_ugl 11 17.091818 5.6142209 15.000 16.034444 3.9288900 12.270 31.430 19.160 1.3681287 1.0449091 1.6927513
chla_rfu 0 NaN NA NA NaN NA Inf -Inf -Inf NA NA NA
fdom_qsu 11 94.473636 13.2557491 98.020 95.222222 14.7073920 68.970 113.240 44.270 -0.3980292 -1.0778965 3.9967587
do_mgl 11 6.661818 0.8257944 6.410 6.712222 1.0971240 5.200 7.670 2.470 -0.2211461 -1.4416715 0.2489864
sal 11 8.263636 0.9031420 7.900 8.155556 0.5633880 7.280 10.220 2.940 0.9281971 -0.4764459 0.2723076
turb 11 17.271818 4.3111897 16.140 16.978889 3.7213260 12.290 24.890 12.600 0.7040469 -1.0036414 1.2998726
temp 11 28.692182 0.8949994 28.982 28.699889 0.9963072 27.239 30.076 2.837 -0.0534706 -1.4478616 0.2698525
p_h 11 7.446364 0.2556276 7.330 7.450000 0.3558240 7.090 7.770 0.680 0.0596431 -1.8890838 0.0770746
chlorophyll_rfu 11 2.848182 0.4451925 2.900 2.778889 0.3558240 2.330 3.990 1.660 1.2707401 1.2126313 0.1342306

Tank Data Only

Only data from Tank Experiments. chla_ugl and chla_rfu are from extracted chlorophyll a samples
parameter n mean sd median trimmed mad min max range skew kurtosis se
chla_ugl 10 10.515000 4.0275447 12.155000 11.250000 1.0600590 1.73 13.42 11.69 -1.2811798 -0.1374702 1.2736215
chla_rfu 0 NaN NA NA NaN NA Inf -Inf -Inf NA NA NA
fdom_qsu 10 62.935814 11.3920161 65.180000 63.893517 13.2632367 42.85 75.36 32.51 -0.4166196 -1.3394539 3.6024718
sal 10 14.043994 1.4016017 13.835000 14.014992 0.9784692 11.64 16.68 5.04 0.1932969 -0.7683375 0.4432254
turb 10 6.633479 1.2086078 6.362398 6.618099 1.5825235 5.16 8.23 3.07 0.1105517 -1.7796152 0.3821954
p_h 10 7.596634 0.3083284 7.640000 7.607042 0.4077150 7.16 7.95 0.79 -0.1500875 -1.8756809 0.0975020
chlorophyll_rfu 10 2.398946 0.4464255 2.570000 2.429933 0.2668680 1.63 2.92 1.29 -0.6738355 -1.1741955 0.1411721

Interactive Interference Parameters

These are the three parameters of interest in the interference testing studies. The following is the chlorophyll a fluorescence (RFU) from the EXO total algae sensor by the extracted \(\mu\)g/L with the three parameters of interest overlayed as color for the specific reserve of interest.

How to use the interactive plot: Hover over interactive plot for the tools panel to appear in top-right corner. Tools include: save plot, zoom, select (lasso or box), and data compare. Hover your cursor over a point for more information. You can also double click on an item in the legend to isolate that data series in the plot!




Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. And was created by Shannon Dunnigan | | skdunnigan