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Interactive Plots for QAQC

How to use the interactive plot: Hover over interactive plot for the tools panel to appear in top-right corner. Tools include: save plot, zoom, select (lasso or box), and data compare. Hover your cursor over a point for more information. You can also double click on an item in the legend to isolate that data series in the plot!

ISCO Deployments

Tank Samples

Summary Tables

All Data

All Data from ISCO and Tank Experiments. chla_ugl and chla_rfu are from extracted chlorophyll a samples
parameter n mean sd median trimmed mad min max range skew kurtosis se
chla_ugl 135 21.7882963 17.4538110 15.82000 18.533486 9.5034660 2.42 92.0100 89.5900 1.9302078 3.7009961 1.5021849
chla_rfu 0 NaN NA NA NaN NA Inf -Inf -Inf NA NA NA
fdom_qsu 130 105.2858031 46.6205605 84.57647 102.772681 45.8561164 45.74 195.7463 150.0062 0.4403174 -1.2625706 4.0888936
sal 140 0.0901429 0.0113787 0.09000 0.088750 0.0148260 0.08 0.1400 0.0600 1.7176848 4.3266488 0.0009617
turb 140 7.1589363 2.3013002 7.60000 7.317247 1.9681515 0.41 11.8680 11.4580 -0.6690540 0.1112689 0.1944954
p_h 128 7.9796303 0.3386536 7.88000 7.957237 0.2965200 7.34 8.7100 1.3700 0.5470653 -0.7971218 0.0299330
chlorophyll_rfu 140 3.0051478 1.5253640 2.84100 2.855330 0.7917084 0.48 9.3100 8.8300 1.1302185 2.1938813 0.1289168

ISCO Data Only

Only data from ISCO Experiments. chla_ugl and chla_rfu are from extracted chlorophyll a samples
parameter n mean sd median trimmed mad min max range skew kurtosis se
chla_ugl 58 26.0886207 24.1501619 14.6450 22.8181250 14.292264 2.420 92.01 89.590 1.1855276 0.1534686 3.1710716
chla_rfu 0 NaN NA NA NaN NA Inf -Inf -Inf NA NA NA
fdom_qsu 48 88.2529167 46.1539814 69.1500 84.3557500 19.881666 47.530 168.13 120.600 0.9800877 -0.8638611 6.6617534
do_mgl 58 8.4451724 1.6021140 8.6900 8.6416667 0.985929 4.100 10.45 6.350 -1.0464043 0.7051026 0.2103679
sal 58 0.0908621 0.0094190 0.0900 0.0910417 0.014826 0.080 0.10 0.020 -0.1674422 -1.8709822 0.0012368
turb 58 6.1053448 2.4022747 6.7200 6.2368750 2.031162 0.410 10.85 10.440 -0.5862779 -0.4096181 0.3154341
temp 58 19.6120690 4.6379384 21.6325 20.0679375 3.413686 10.203 24.49 14.287 -0.9780707 -0.5220056 0.6089911
p_h 46 7.9847826 0.4070749 7.7700 7.9663158 0.214977 7.400 8.71 1.310 0.4991865 -1.3344908 0.0600199
chlorophyll_rfu 58 2.3967241 1.5714195 2.4300 2.1747917 1.460361 0.480 6.86 6.380 1.1055509 1.0717048 0.2063375

Tank Data Only

Only data from Tank Experiments. chla_ugl and chla_rfu are from extracted chlorophyll a samples
parameter n mean sd median trimmed mad min max range skew kurtosis se
chla_ugl 77 18.5490909 8.6576179 16.630000 17.8612698 7.7836500 3.640 47.0600 43.4200 0.8302634 0.5595458 0.9866271
chla_rfu 0 NaN NA NA NaN NA Inf -Inf -Inf NA NA NA
fdom_qsu 82 115.2562732 44.1912503 111.792500 113.6146489 61.9170825 45.740 195.7463 150.0062 0.2423998 -1.1614629 4.8801072
sal 82 0.0896341 0.0126144 0.090000 0.0871212 0.0148260 0.080 0.1400 0.0600 2.2549331 5.3913901 0.0013930
turb 82 7.9041596 1.9157451 8.413143 7.9897607 1.6101036 3.906 11.8680 7.9620 -0.4530119 -0.5311056 0.2115587
p_h 82 7.9767400 0.2961961 7.895000 7.9580709 0.2816940 7.340 8.6600 1.3200 0.5242293 -0.4896966 0.0327094
chlorophyll_rfu 82 3.4354962 1.3425881 3.012000 3.1975647 0.7257327 1.848 9.3100 7.4620 1.9536853 4.3153491 0.1482641

Interactive Interference Parameters

These are the three parameters of interest in the interference testing studies. The following is the chlorophyll a fluorescence (RFU) from the EXO total algae sensor by the extracted \(\mu\)g/L with the three parameters of interest overlayed as color for the specific reserve of interest.

How to use the interactive plot: Hover over interactive plot for the tools panel to appear in top-right corner. Tools include: save plot, zoom, select (lasso or box), and data compare. Hover your cursor over a point for more information. You can also double click on an item in the legend to isolate that data series in the plot!




Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. And was created by Shannon Dunnigan | | skdunnigan