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Facet by Methods


Interactive Plots for QAQC

How to use the interactive plot: Hover over interactive plot for the tools panel to appear in top-right corner. Tools include: save plot, zoom, select (lasso or box), and data compare. Hover your cursor over a point for more information. You can also double click on an item in the legend to isolate that data series in the plot!

ISCO Deployments

Tank Samples

Summary Tables

All Data

All Data from ISCO and Tank Experiments. chla_ugl and chla_rfu are from extracted chlorophyll a samples
parameter n mean sd median trimmed mad min max range skew kurtosis se
chla_ugl 46 14.264383 10.1494685 13.822160 13.487741 11.2957713 1.1012800 45.612800 44.511520 0.7270411 0.2370772 1.4964575
chla_rfu 46 1651.784783 1295.1496000 1381.190000 1529.415790 1216.6660380 98.6100000 5701.600000 5602.990000 0.8998070 0.3701975 190.9593905
fdom_qsu 46 61.998891 25.5473576 53.083000 60.600914 22.3659932 28.6716393 112.018525 83.346885 0.4965924 -1.2128219 3.7667524
sal 46 23.854911 2.6974790 23.130000 23.773530 1.7365364 17.8300000 28.967049 11.137049 0.5251450 -0.4479424 0.3977216
turb 46 20.579826 11.7440994 15.404672 18.799969 7.0850240 8.3681667 64.399672 56.031506 1.5979747 2.6779092 1.7315730
p_h 46 7.573334 0.2298595 7.580000 7.571667 0.3137758 7.2400000 7.930000 0.690000 -0.1053221 -1.5127586 0.0338909
chlorophyll_rfu 46 4.094505 2.0117902 3.965643 4.035685 1.7830975 0.8297222 8.835574 8.005852 0.2324666 -0.4996905 0.2966223

ISCO Data Only

Only data from ISCO Experiments. chla_ugl and chla_rfu are from extracted chlorophyll a samples
parameter n mean sd median trimmed mad min max range skew kurtosis se
chla_ugl* 0 NaN NA NA NaN NA Inf -Inf -Inf NA NA NA
chla_rfu* 0 NaN NA NA NaN NA Inf -Inf -Inf NA NA NA
fdom_qsu* 0 NaN NA NA NaN NA Inf -Inf -Inf NA NA NA
do_mgl* 0 NaN NA NA NaN NA Inf -Inf -Inf NA NA NA
sal* 0 NaN NA NA NaN NA Inf -Inf -Inf NA NA NA
turb* 0 NaN NA NA NaN NA Inf -Inf -Inf NA NA NA
temp* 0 NaN NA NA NaN NA Inf -Inf -Inf NA NA NA
p_h* 0 NaN NA NA NaN NA Inf -Inf -Inf NA NA NA
chlorophyll_rfu* 0 NaN NA NA NaN NA Inf -Inf -Inf NA NA NA

Tank Data Only

Only data from Tank Experiments. chla_ugl and chla_rfu are from extracted chlorophyll a samples
parameter n mean sd median trimmed mad min max range skew kurtosis se
chla_ugl 46 14.264383 10.1494685 13.822160 13.487741 11.2957713 1.1012800 45.612800 44.511520 0.7270411 0.2370772 1.4964575
chla_rfu 46 1651.784783 1295.1496000 1381.190000 1529.415790 1216.6660380 98.6100000 5701.600000 5602.990000 0.8998070 0.3701975 190.9593905
fdom_qsu 46 61.998891 25.5473576 53.083000 60.600914 22.3659932 28.6716393 112.018525 83.346885 0.4965924 -1.2128219 3.7667524
sal 46 23.854911 2.6974790 23.130000 23.773530 1.7365364 17.8300000 28.967049 11.137049 0.5251450 -0.4479424 0.3977216
turb 46 20.579826 11.7440994 15.404672 18.799969 7.0850240 8.3681667 64.399672 56.031506 1.5979747 2.6779092 1.7315730
p_h 46 7.573334 0.2298595 7.580000 7.571667 0.3137758 7.2400000 7.930000 0.690000 -0.1053221 -1.5127586 0.0338909
chlorophyll_rfu 46 4.094505 2.0117902 3.965643 4.035685 1.7830975 0.8297222 8.835574 8.005852 0.2324666 -0.4996905 0.2966223

Interactive Interference Parameters

These are the three parameters of interest in the interference testing studies. The following is the chlorophyll a fluorescence (RFU) from the EXO total algae sensor by the extracted \(\mu\)g/L with the three parameters of interest overlayed as color for the specific reserve of interest.

How to use the interactive plot: Hover over interactive plot for the tools panel to appear in top-right corner. Tools include: save plot, zoom, select (lasso or box), and data compare. Hover your cursor over a point for more information. You can also double click on an item in the legend to isolate that data series in the plot!




Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. And was created by Shannon Dunnigan | | skdunnigan