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Interactive Plots for QAQC

How to use the interactive plot: Hover over interactive plot for the tools panel to appear in top-right corner. Tools include: save plot, zoom, select (lasso or box), and data compare. Hover your cursor over a point for more information. You can also double click on an item in the legend to isolate that data series in the plot!

ISCO Deployments

Tank Samples

Summary Tables

All Data

All Data from ISCO and Tank Experiments. chla_ugl and chla_rfu are from extracted chlorophyll a samples
parameter n mean sd median trimmed mad min max range skew kurtosis se
chla_ugl 175 5.403657 5.5645511 3.97 4.359362 2.772462 0.420000 42.63000 42.21000 3.2604310 14.3653608 0.4206405
chla_rfu 175 559.140171 559.8436676 425.89 457.401844 328.470030 43.280000 4254.31000 4211.03000 3.1314302 13.5688173 42.3202034
fdom_qsu 175 122.022995 32.2237419 127.08 122.266156 28.406616 59.600000 195.14886 135.54886 -0.1242070 -0.3780089 2.4358859
sal 175 11.050172 7.0548525 11.71 11.092483 8.954904 0.100000 25.68000 25.58000 -0.0627166 -1.1904328 0.5332967
turb 175 8.048274 4.9051666 6.86 7.338283 3.691674 2.177801 34.31000 32.13220 2.2935303 7.7812754 0.3707957
p_h 175 7.293670 0.3952745 7.34 7.308141 0.459606 6.550000 8.04000 1.49000 -0.2933098 -0.8753879 0.0298799
chlorophyll_rfu 175 3.496876 2.1091430 3.08 3.215912 1.126776 0.860000 18.95633 18.09633 3.2866085 17.7536498 0.1594362

ISCO Data Only

Only data from ISCO Experiments. chla_ugl and chla_rfu are from extracted chlorophyll a samples
parameter n mean sd median trimmed mad min max range skew kurtosis se
chla_ugl 144 3.806875 2.2727370 3.4050 3.652586 1.860663 0.420 10.940 10.520 0.5957313 -0.3040116 0.1893948
chla_rfu 144 398.189653 241.2883006 371.8550 383.567155 232.968351 43.280 1124.020 1080.740 0.4965948 -0.5283156 20.1073584
fdom_qsu 144 121.337083 30.7514105 127.9250 122.559052 28.525224 59.600 179.840 120.240 -0.4366249 -0.4895207 2.5626175
do_mgl 144 5.981389 1.7308576 6.4850 6.046121 1.712403 2.030 9.230 7.200 -0.2923350 -1.0978116 0.1442381
sal 144 11.683750 7.1445850 12.6100 11.901724 9.155055 0.100 22.170 22.070 -0.2605691 -1.1813677 0.5953821
turb 144 8.001875 5.0620001 6.8050 7.171121 3.343263 3.000 34.310 31.310 2.5028058 8.4329585 0.4218333
temp 144 22.903042 6.5868611 22.5035 22.861466 9.457505 14.555 32.529 17.974 0.0000508 -1.8367076 0.5489051
p_h 144 7.269028 0.4115930 7.3350 7.278103 0.504084 6.550 8.040 1.490 -0.1952291 -1.0212842 0.0342994
chlorophyll_rfu 144 2.908681 0.9988296 2.9100 2.949655 0.808017 0.860 4.570 3.710 -0.2218781 -0.6562345 0.0832358

Tank Data Only

Only data from Tank Experiments. chla_ugl and chla_rfu are from extracted chlorophyll a samples
parameter n mean sd median trimmed mad min max range skew kurtosis se
chla_ugl 31 12.820968 9.2672597 9.450000 11.617600 6.9089160 1.230000 42.63000 41.400000 1.2745806 1.4618227 1.6644490
chla_rfu 31 1306.781290 915.6447159 951.250000 1188.770000 712.2706920 129.910000 4254.31000 4124.400000 1.2775536 1.4937847 164.4546457
fdom_qsu 31 125.209165 38.7582281 119.109980 123.224829 31.8810552 63.019032 195.14886 132.129823 0.5250283 -0.8381501 6.9611833
sal 31 8.107099 5.8719077 6.870000 7.572795 5.1297960 0.220000 25.68000 25.460000 0.9308787 0.5778850 1.0546258
turb 31 8.263804 4.1657128 7.447963 8.117969 5.4895443 2.177801 18.05693 15.879132 0.3551789 -0.9550128 0.7481841
p_h 31 7.408134 0.2867652 7.440000 7.423632 0.2503175 6.723615 7.95000 1.226385 -0.4245942 -0.3274745 0.0515045
chlorophyll_rfu 31 6.229139 3.4162725 5.324650 5.744638 2.4616925 1.624597 18.95633 17.331737 1.7856426 4.0137807 0.6135806

Interactive Interference Parameters

These are the three parameters of interest in the interference testing studies. The following is the chlorophyll a fluorescence (RFU) from the EXO total algae sensor by the extracted \(\mu\)g/L with the three parameters of interest overlayed as color for the specific reserve of interest.

How to use the interactive plot: Hover over interactive plot for the tools panel to appear in top-right corner. Tools include: save plot, zoom, select (lasso or box), and data compare. Hover your cursor over a point for more information. You can also double click on an item in the legend to isolate that data series in the plot!




Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. And was created by Shannon Dunnigan | | skdunnigan